
Category: Quarantine


This Will Cause No Small Stir

Today, one of my adult daughters sent me an interesting link to a DMN Article written by Ed Stetzer & Andrew MacDonald. It caused no small stir.       Initially, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it. I’ve not really known exactly what to do with the

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Money Saving Mommy

I’ve Been Amazon Primed

It’s official – I’ve launched an Amazon Storefront! I shop LOCAL in my hometown. However, if I can’t find it LOCALLY, then, I look on Amazon. Amazon Storefront… It’s not really as fancy as it sounds. If you’re interested in opening one, shoot me an email. I would love to

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A Gift of Time

I don’t know why this has happened. I’m not even sure if it matters. My Nana taught me not to walk through my day worrying about the unknown. Rather, I should purpose to walk in what I KNOW. What I know in my head and heart is simple. This is

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